About me

Hey everyone!

I’ve decided to write a blog mainly about movies but also about make-up, TV shows, and books. My love of movies dates way back to when I grew up in West Virginia and had to go to another state to see movies (it was only 20 minutes away but the movie theater was in Ohio haha). They did eventually build a theater nearby when I was in high school but I like to tell people that story to see their reactions.

My friends and I would see movies all the time, whether it be trekking over a state or renting them from Blockbuster #RIP. I was mostly interested in comedies, then that led torom coms. Now my favorite types are rom coms, former books, superhero related, inspirational sport’s stories, action, and critically acclaimed movies. My least favorite are scary movies so don’t expect much, if any, reviews from them.


My recent obsession has been seeing all the Oscar BestPicture nominated movies. Some sorority sisters and I tried (and failed) to see them all last year before the Oscars. Mymom and I watch the Oscars every year and text each other if we aren’t together. We loves awards season. Thisyear I watched the Golden Globes and noticed I had seen quite a few of the movies already so I figured I would give it a try! (The Golden Globes are always a good indication of what will be nominated for the Oscars) After I accomplished that, I added the best actor/actress and supporting actor/actress movies to my list of movies to see since there were only a few more. I am happy to say that I have accomplished this feat the day before the Oscars 🙂

My next post will be tomorrow afternoon for my Oscar predictions. Also I have begun to get subscription boxes in the mail for different companies that send make-up samples to try. I was thinking I could review these samples in my blog too. If I have nothing about movies or make-up to say that week I will write about TV shows and books since I am always watching different shows and reading books.

P.S. I am still tweaking with the format and such so bear with me. xoxo

“That’s all I have to say about that”~ Forrest Gump

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